Terms of Service
Sinergia E-Learning is a website managed by PT. Sinergia Internasional Edutama to facilitating students to meet a matching tutor
to help them cope with new knowledge or skills, get additional sessions outside their school, or to develop a certain skill.
By accessing and using Sinergia E-Learning website and registering to be a student here,
you understand and agree to be bound and comply with all the applicable regulation in Sinergia E-Learning.
- To be a student, you have to create a student account by filling all the personal data without exception
and attach your real identity by writing your full name (not an alias).
- The phone number given in the form is an active number, so Sinergia E-Learning can contact you if it is necessary.
- After the registration is complete, Sinergia E-Learning will do a verification.
Sinergia E-Learning has a right to reject your application as a student with a clear reason,
such as: the data profile is not completed, the registration process is not finished, etc.
Student Account
- Account and password that are used to accessing the student page are the student’s responsibility.
- You agree to be responsible of all that happened regarding to the use of your personal account and password.
- You agree to give an immediate notice to Sinergia E-Learning if there is a misusing account or
another security violation regarding to your account.
- Sinergia E-Learning will not take a responsible action of a lost or damage happened caused by the failure
to understand and comply with this terms and conditions.
- Sinergia E-Learning has a right to reject your service and stop your account.
Student Profile
- You guarantee that your data in this profile is true and accurate.
- You are fully responsible to all material you provide in Sinergia E-Learning.
Tutor Finding
- You understand that all information about Tutor is provided by a third-party and is not under Sinergia E-Learning control.
- We are not responsible of any losses caused by the third-party information.
- You agree to pay the learning process package within the time that has been set by Sinergia E-Learning
- If you do not pay within 2 x 24 hours, hence your request will be cancelled.
- Sinergia E-Learning cannot guarantee a refund if you cancel your request.
- Payment of the learning process package is chosen in the beginning,
that contains the number of learning session and its duration that has been filled in the system by the student and acknowledged by the tutor.
Attendance List and Student Behaviour
- Student who has not paid the tuition fee within the agreed date will cause to the cancellation of the registration.
- Student must behave in every session with the tutor to ensure the learning process to be more focused.
- Student has to do the presence verification in the end of session. If the student does not do the verification,
hence the tutor will do it for the student.
Attendance List and Student Behaviour
- Student who has not paid the tuition fee within the agreed date will cause to the cancellation of the registration.
- Student must behave in every session with the tutor to ensure the learning process to be more focused.
- Student has to do the presence verification in the end of session. If the student does not do the verification,
hence the tutor will do it for the student.
- In the registration process to be a tutor, you must fill up all the personal information,
including data about a brief profile, teaching experiences, as well as the prove of a qualification of a certain subject.
You must write your full name (not an alias).
- All information written must be the correct and accurate information.
- The phone number given in the form is an active number, so Sinergia E-Learning can contact you if it is necessary.
- Sinergia E-Learning has a right to reject your application as a tutor with a clear reason,
such as: the data profile is not completed, the qualification is not the same as what is shown on the online test result, etc.
Online Test
- Online test consists of psychotest and a test in your subject with a certain duration.
- The test result will be used to determine the salary range that has been filled by the tutor.
- Tutor will be given one chances to do the online test.
Tutor Fee
- You agree to follow all payment procedure established by Sinergia E-Learning.
The fee will be given every month with a cut-off date at the 25th of each month.
- The amount of your monthly fee depends on the accumulation of all session and proven by attendance list recorded by tutor and verified by student.
- You agree that you submit the report (after the first and last session) after the due date it will cause to a payment delay.
Attendance List and Tutor Behaviour
- Tutor must be responsible, act professionally, and behave when doing the session, so the session will be more focused.
- All of the material must be well prepared by the tutor before the session is conducted.
- Tutor must come to the session on-time. If the tutor has a problem,
the tutor must inform that to the students or their parents with a clear reason, at least two days before the session.
- You agree to be punished if you cannot comply those three points mentioned above.
The punishment will be determined later by Sinergia E-Learning after a clear consideration.
The use of account information of tutors and students for Sinergia E-Learning business is permitted
as long as it is under the agreement of Sinergia E-Learning and without a third party involved
and all the things related to the information is under Sinergia E-Learning’s right.